Industry Landscape Insights

Industry Landscape Insights

Emerging Threats: Customer Switching Strategies – Channel Partners as Competitors Problem Many companies are being caught by surprise by a recent trend: threats to their revenue and margins as a result of customer (buyer) consolidation and substitution strategies. These strategies…

Does your approach to Warranty & Support reflect and reinforce your business strategy?

Does your approach to Warranty & Support reflect and reinforce your business strategy?

Innovation and new product launches are key growth drivers for successful technology companies. Marketing teams are well versed at taking ideas from concept through product, pricing, promotion and distribution strategies to commercialize with the perfect positioning to drive sales growth….

Intelligence2day® Platform Gives Early Warning of Competitor’s Strategy Change

Intelligence2day® Platform Gives Early Warning of Competitor’s Strategy Change

Proactive’s Intelligence2day® provides up-to-the-minute, easily–accessed, ready-to-use intelligence to shape strategic and tactical business decisions. Case in Point: A Fortune 500 pharmaceutical company had launched a widely-used best-in-class drug, but knew that competitors had on–market and late-stage developmental assets that threatened…